Empyrean Lighting is an award winning, Australian based company who designs, manufactures and supplies ultra-high quality LED lighting solutions for a variety of applications worldwide.
At the same time, we protect our planet and improve our quality of life by presenting an efficient, green and safe lighting alternative to the worldwide market. We provide over 15,000 LED products, from spotlights used in residences to LED arrays for mines and airports.
We’re able to differentiate ourselves from our competitors in our ability to design customised lighting solutions, working exclusively with architects and engineers and providing ultra-high quality products. Our suite of ready to use commercially viable products are guaranteed to meet your requirements.
Who Are We?
Our Mission
Our Vision
Our Values
Our Promise
Meet Our Management Team

Kevin brings strategic focus and mature business judgment gained through a decade of diverse sales, marketing and executive experiences with a variety of entrepreneurial, innovative and high-technology businesses. Kevin’s passion for LED lighting and commitment to achieving the best results for our clients is the driving force behind Empyrean Lighting.

With a background in accounting (chartered accountant) and systems, Brock’s skills are key to the day to day operation of Empyrean Lighting. Further, his passion for lighting design ensures our clients are presented the very best, and most sustainable options for their lighting needs.